Phi Beta Cons

Higher Ed in 2015 in 10 Snapshots

The academic left got aggressive in 2015 (so what else is new?). They really pushed on a lot of issues: strengthening sexual harassment rules and reducing due process for students accused of sexual offenses, limiting speech rights, and attempting to remove all things they deem offensive from the campus, such as statues and people they don’t like. They attacked for-profit colleges with “gainful employment” rules and are pressing for free college for all. They demanded, demanded, and demanded, and pushed and pushed.

But not everything went their way. The year also saw increased pushback from more sensible types. And in some cases, the calmer heads won out: the “Chicago Statement” became a rallying point for free speech advocates, and the Supreme Court is at least considering changing the ambiguous Fisher v. University of Texas decision that governs affirmative action.

The Pope Center staff attempted to capture the spirit of higher education in 2015 with a “Top Ten” (or in some cases, “Bottom Ten”) retrospective.

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