Phi Beta Cons

A ‘Blasphemer’ Takes On Islamic Blasphemy Laws (and Current Campaign Palaver)

For all too efficaciously communicating, in Andrew Bostom’s words, “the dire, self-destructive synergy between Western cultural relativism, and resurgent global jihadism,” Diana West has been branded “Blasphemer.”  
But how long can we afford to ignore her “blasphemist” utterances?

The fact is, to discuss blasphemy laws in Afghanistan and Iraq (Kurdistan, even) is to discuss Islam — specifically, its laws and doctrines. And we, as a politically correct people, don’t know how to do that. Instead, we act as though they don’t exist. And not just blasphemy laws. Jihad doctrine; Shariah (Islamic law); designs for a global caliphate through jihad (terrorism) and the spread of Shariah (Islamization): We pretend they are not factors in the free world’s experience with Islam. We certainly don’t discuss their implications for the freeness of the world. Look at what passes for “debate” among our presidential candidates: Republicans argue over who supported “the surge” first; Democrats argue over who will withdraw troops first.

Alas, perhaps not long.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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