Phi Beta Cons

Blatant Academic Bias

FIRE has a press release out today about a professor at SUNY Fredonia who was denied promotion because of his political beliefs:

Kershnar, an associate professor of philosophy, was nominated for promotion to full professor in January 2006, with strong support from his colleagues, department head, and top administrators, because of his outstanding professional record. An outspoken member of the Fredonia community, Kershnar writes a bi-weekly column for the local newspaper, in which he questioned Fredonia’s affirmative action practices and examined the lack of conservatives in higher education. In 2005, Kershnar publicly condemned a new rule that targets students who fail to report violations of the student conduct code. He was quoted in a Buffalo News article saying the new policy would “turn the student population into a group of snitches.”  

Let’s count the minutes until we hear the next academic apologist claim that there is no evidence that ideological discrimination is a problem in higher education.

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