Phi Beta Cons

Butler Attacks Conservative Student

Butler University is striking back at the student whose recent article exposing anti-male, anti-white, anti-heterosexual bias at the university has gained national attention.

In the original article, Ryan Lovelace, Butler student and College Fix contributor, explained how he was presumed guilty of racism, sexism, and homophobia when he enrolled in a political-science class taught by a black female professor:

Butler University asks students to disregard their “American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality, middle-class status” when writing and speaking in the classroom — a practice the school’s arts and sciences dean defended as a way to negate students’ inherent prejudices. . . . I did not expect to be judged before I ever walked through the door, and did not think I would be forced to agree with my teachers’ worldviews or suffer the consequences.

Now Butler has retaliated with two articles on the university’s official website, taking aim at Lovelace for blowing the situation “out of proportion” and for failing to be “adaptable.”

One article, entitled “The Real Problem is the Student,” takes direct aim at Lovelace. “’To write and speak in a way that does not assume American-ness, maleness, whiteness, heterosexuality, middle-class status, etc. to be the norm . . . ’ is rather reasonable for a political science class,” the article states.

The university seems to have missed the point of Lovelace’s complaint, which had to do with presumption of guilt inherent in the above statement — as well as the hypocrisy behind the idea that American-ness, maleness, whiteness, etc., must be singled out as invalid in an academic world that creates entire departments dedicated to narrow worldviews such as black studies, Chicano studies, women’s studies, or gay and lesbian studies.

Read more about this controversy here.

Nathan Harden — Mr. Harden graduated from Yale in 2009. He is currently writing a memoir of his experiences as a conservative student at Yale.
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