Phi Beta Cons

The AP History Manifesto: War By Other Means

Lynne Cheney has penned her second article for the Wall Street Journal pointing out the Advanced Placement history agenda is designed to elevate the victimized and denigrate great individuals.


Since the College Board exams will  soon be asking aspiring college students questions created for these AP history courses, professors will have their indoctrination duties accomplished for them. This opens up more time for college teachers to concoct even zanier faux knowledge to add to the growing pile of academic manure that passes today as a liberal arts education.


The “progressives” behind today’s politicized  college and grade school educational content are blatantly embracing old-fashioned  Marxist theories of education. The fellow traveling radical scholars are replacing traditional Western emphasis on accomplishments of individuals with emphasis  on the historical determinism ordained for the urban proletariat and rural peasants. Though the terminology has changed, today’s Marxists behind the curriculum revolution remain committed to the science of dialectic debate, better known as class warfare.


Seen through the prism of today, those classes are  identified by multiculturalism, diversity initiatives, and victimization. Knowingly or not, those classes, according to the Marxists, are still historically determined to defeat the global capitalists who promote racism, chauvinism, imperialism and—lately—homophobia. While Marx was wrong about the fall of capitalism, the modern communists, disguised as liberal progressives, believe they can bring down the oppressors by brainwashing younger generations with newly-minted  nomenclature disguising the latent intent to destroy Western civilization.


The College Board’s propensity to erase great individuals from history, as Lynne Cheney laments, is second nature to the modern Marxist in today’s struggle. To them, it’s  the same old class warfare—by other means.

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