Phi Beta Cons

Eucharist and Islam Abuse ‘Different Crackers’

The latest, via the Catholic League, from Paul Z. Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota intent upon desecrating the Eucharist: “‘I have to do something … that shows this cracker has no power.’”
However, he condemned the abuse of the Koran, comparing it to desecrating a cemetery. But when it’s a matter of the Body of Christ, he pronounces, “‘The cracker is completely different.’”
Catholic League president Bill Donohue shoots back:

This isn’t the first time Myers has shown deference to Islam … he was critical of the Danish cartoons that simply depicted an image of Muhammad. ‘They [the cartoons] lack artistic or social or even comedic merit, and are presented as an insult to inflame a poor minority.’ So now the Planet-of-the-Apes biologist has divined himself an expert on the artistic value of cartoons. So thoughtful of him. He even went so far as to say that Muslims ‘have cause to be furious.’ (His italic.) Worthy of burning down churches, pledging to behead Christians and shooting a nun in the back, Professor Myers?

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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