Phi Beta Cons

The Genderlovin’ Future

John, the core of the leftist academic camp will part with its crusade to metamorphose the sex divide into the gender spectrum when you pry it from its cold, tenured fingers. And you’ll have to kill its little dog, Equality, too. The voluntary end will come only when all women are womyn, all men are masculine-womyn, and every job, every dollar, every consumer good, and every Army-issued M16A2 falls into precisely half womyn hands and half masculine-womyn hands.
Also? Womyn must sponsor exactly one half of the parties. That’s according to the Harvard Crimson this bright, gender-neutral morning. They’ve done a study that has disturbingly revealed “[a] gender imbalance among super party suites,” which “may translate into a disproportionate number of male-sponsored campus parties.”
Those males. They’re out of control.

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