Phi Beta Cons

“I Hate Christianity”

Northwestern University’s student newspaper published a column today that amounts to little more than an angry diatribe against Christianity. An NU freshman penned this venom:

I hate Christianity. There, I said it. Since its creation, it has mostly caused violence and death, despite espousing the doctrine of compassion and love.
As a Jew, I have always been taught to respect and tolerate other religious beliefs. And for the most part, I do. But I draw the line at Christianity.
First of all, the concept of Jesus dying for “the sins of humanity” is ridiculous. I am responsible for my own actions, and I am angered at the thought of someone being killed for them before I was born.

I can’t help but think that this type of invective would never be tolerated, let alone printed in a major college paper, if its target were any other religion.

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