Phi Beta Cons

MCRI Watch

Columnist Tom Bray of the Detroit News supports the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative:

But the scare campaign against Prop 2 is just that: a scare campaign. California and Washington are doing just fine in the wake of their bans on race preferences. Yes, minority enrollment at a few of the most selective state schools is down, but overall minority enrollment in the state system is up. Female contractors can no longer count on a big boost when bidding for government work, but female income continues to rise overall.
The anti-Prop 2 campaign suffers an even more crucial flaw: It is simply unable to explain why more discrimination would lead to less discrimination. …
I will vote yes on Proposal 2.

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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