Phi Beta Cons

Mr. Facebook

Here is a fascinating interview with Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the wildly popular Facebook online collegiate social network.
Mr. Zuckerberg and I have quite a bit in common: We’re both 22-year-old college students from the greater New York area. Then again, I haven’t rebuffed any $1 billion offers from major corporations recently.
Among the many interesting tid bits offered in the interview are his views on media/news

consumption: “Actually, I don’t have a TV but I do read newspapers. But how I read them is important. I don’t pick up a physical newspaper–I’ll get sent a link. The experience is very different, given to me by different people. What my friends sent to me or what other people think and send to me,” he said.
I think college-aged Americans are increasingly adopting a similar approach to newsgathering, and the “paleo” media ought to take note.

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