Phi Beta Cons

No dates but date rape still a problem?

It’s obvious to many of us that the feminization of education and of higher education particularly is at least partly responsible for the decline in male enrollment and the overall rate of 60-40 percent female-to-male in colleges today. Even at Harvard, the freshman class this year is 52 percent female. There are places where women outnumber men two to one, and the dating scene has virtually dried up. Some college women claim that this enables them to keep their mind on their studies without the distraction of dating (no doubt, nothing like a nice thick textbook to curl up with on Saturday nights). But some colleges are making extra efforts to enroll more men. Fewer men evidently means an environment less safe for women, because the few men start thinking of themselves as prize pashas who can get away with anything and are thus more liable to become “sexual predators.”
Too many men are a problem and too few men are a problem. Maybe men are just a problem?  

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