Phi Beta Cons

Plagiarism at Kean University-New Jersey

The spread of plagiarism by professors is increasingly well documented. The latest allegation concerns Jacqueline R. Griffith, a professor at Kean, and it is linked by the New York Times to a similar case involving her father in the early 80s. (Karen W. Arenson, “In a Charge of Plagiarism, an Echo of a Father’s Case,” 3/14) Commenting on the incident, Timothy M. Dodd of Duke’s Center for Academic Integrity addresses the responsibility of universities to police plagiarism: “Reported cases reveal ad hoc responses at best, and indifference or denial at worst.”

Of interest here is that such a center exists on a prominent campus and has the temerity to fault university negligence in the matter. I will follow the center’s work with interest.

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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