Phi Beta Cons

Post Election Punditry at Tehran U.

Academics in thrall to the radical regime in Iran are pleased as punch that the Republicans took a beating in last week’s elections. Amir Taheri reports:

“The Democrats will do their best to resolve Iran’s nuclear issue through negotiations, rather than resorting to threats,” says Yadallah Islami, who teaches politics at Tehran University. “Bush will be forced to behave the way all U.S. presidents have behaved since Richard Nixon – that is to say, get out of wars that the American people do not want to fight.”

Nasser Hadian, another academic with ties to Khamenei, goes further. “With the return of a more realistic view of the world, the United States will acknowledge the leading role that the Islamic Republic must play,” he says. “There is no reason for our government to make any concessions on the nuclear issue.”

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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