Phi Beta Cons

Re: Student Bias

Whether or not that article from Inside Higher Ed portrays professors as victims of political bias, it does accuse students of political bias in judging their teachers.
Among the findings of the study are:
**More students taking the surveys identified themselves as liberal.

**77% of professors were considered liberal and 7% conservative

**87% of students feel they are confident about knowing their professors political views

**Professors identified as conservative by students (i.e., all three of them) are rated more favorably when it comes to presenting material objectively **Professors identified as liberal by students (recall: 77%) are rated more favorable on such issues as whether the learning environment is comfortable (recall: the majority of surveys are from liberal students)

From those astounding statistics, the professors conclude that it is the students that are the problem. Based on general statistics about party affiliation and campaign donations, it

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