Phi Beta Cons

Scorn Heaped upon Scorn

Paul Clemenceau, an attorney, has responded with appropriate scorn to leftist David Michael Green for the fallacious and destructive underpinnings of his tirade against President Obama for not governing far enough to the left.

In “No Fury like a Progressive Prof Scorned,” I noted Green’s diatribe. What follows is Clemenceau’s irate and sage letter to the professor, which the former (like me, “a Republican sociopath”) granted me permission to make public:

Professor Green,
Until I read your recent screed I too was upset with Obama and deeply

worried that such an inexperienced narcissist could place the United States

on the road to becoming a social democracy similar to the economically

moribund countries in Western Europe. But now, after failing (at least so

far) to achieve much of anything, much less the social programs you seem to

endorse, maybe I should appreciate him for what he has not accomplished. I

lived and worked in Europe (France) for 16 years and I can assure you that

the social democracy of Europe is a failed system. It replaces the

entrepreneur with the bureaucrat at the top of the food chain and it has

created an entitlement mentality that has proved politically impossible to

undo even though the bloated governments themselves admit that continuation

of the nanny state model, including the healthcare system, is unsustainable.

I’m sure I do not need to point out to you that the U.S. has become the

richest and most powerful country on earth in a brief span of time, thanks at

least in part to its liberal (in the European sense) capitalistic democracy,

while Europe stagnates and other, more socialistic economies (notably, the USSR)

have disappeared.
What surprises me is not your radicalism. After all you are a professor,

and supposedly tenured, and so you are most certainly not part of the “real

world” contrary to what you profess in your diatribe. No, what surprises me

is your propensity to belittle all who may hold views different from your

own. Republicans are “sociopaths” with morals lower on the totem pole than

cannibals; others are less intelligent than a newborn amoeba, etc. All this

makes for fun reading but it is a bit disconcerting to know that a professor

at a well known university is the author. I had assumed you fellows were a

bit more measured and open to conflicting opinions than that. What are you

teaching our children? Are you trying to be the counterpoint to that TV

commentator Glenn Beck or are you just trying to be more rabid than Howard

Paul B. Clemenceau

A Republican sociopath

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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