Phi Beta Cons

Stain of Oil Money Spreading

Youssef Ibrahim gives more evidence that Arabian oil money is profoundly corrupting higher education, among other U.S. institutions, thereby “compromising our values and buying our silence”:

• Qatar, the proprietor of the anti-Semitic, anti-American Al-Jazeera network, is piling up $300 billion, buying stakes in Europe’s third-largest stock market, the London Stock Exchange, and pumping money into Carnegie Mellon, Cornell Medical College, Texas A&M, and Virginia Commonwealth University.
• And the mother of Islamofascism, Saudi Arabia, where 200 senior royals of the ruling family are playing with several billion each and buying up stakes in strategic companies such as Disney and Apple, and Citibank, too, and using the rest of the oil bonanza to fund madrassas, militant mosques, and theological institutes across America and Europe. (The New York Sun)

Candace de Russy is a nationally recognized expert on education and cultural issues.
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