Phi Beta Cons

UCLA Epidemiologist Canned for Un-PC Work?

Looks like it:

James Enstrom, an epidemiologist who has worked at the UCLA School of Public Health for 34 years, was recently fired, supposedly because his research “is not aligned with the academic mission of the Department [of Environmental Health Sciences].” As Michael Siegel notes, this rationale is patently false. The department’s official mission is to “explore the fundamental relationship between human health and the environment,” and that is exactly what Enstrom has done. The problem is not that he tackled the wrong questions; it’s that he came up with the “wrong” answers. Specifically, he has failed to find a connection between exposure to fine particulate matter and disease. Worse, he is a prominent critic of the view that such a connection is established well enough to justify new regulations by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). He has not only criticized the evidence underlying the proposed regulations but has made trouble by pointing out that a key CARB staffer, Hien Tran, had falsified his academic credentials and that a UCLA colleague who supports regulation of fine particulate matter, John Froines, had served on a scientific panel that advises CARB for 25 years without being reappointed every three years, as required by law. Froines, who has publicly ridiculed Enstrom, participated in the faculty vote recommending his dismissal. Enstrom’s popularity among his colleagues was not enhanced by his work on secondhand smoke, which also failed to generate politically correct results.

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