Planet Gore

About That Prius Recall Over Their Brakes

From Ron Hart in the Orange County Register:

In fact, this problem with electronic braking came about because of federal pressure through CAFE standards, forcing manufacturers to make lighter cars. As they often do, politicians point their fingers at Big Bad Business. Now a memo has come to light showing that Toyota cut a deal with its Washington regulators on the braking issue last year. As is often the case when politicians point fingers, at least three fingers are pointing right back at them.

The stark reality is that the industries we have had the most difficulty with — banking, insurance, airlines, mortgage lending, and now car companies — are the most regulated. Less regulated businesses that are more sensitive to market demands, like Wal-Mart, Coke, Google, Caterpillar and Home Depot, are doing fine.

Washington still does not get it. We are taxed and regulated to death. The lone Democrat Senator in Massachusetts and the man who was unable to beat George Bush, John Kerry, still wants to push through Cap-and-Trade. This is the same man who had the insight and vision to tap John Edwards as his Vice Presidential choice. Like Obama, Kerry helps to lose races in which he is not even running. If common sense and the facts do not kill the “cap-and-tax” bill, Kerry’s support will.

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