Planet Gore

DJ Greenpeace

Greenpeace is encouraging their web visitors to sign a petition they’d like to share with the G-8 leaders in advance of the group’s July meeting in Japan:

– I’m asking world leaders to deliver an Energy Revolution to save the climate at the G8 summit;

– I’m asking for a global treaty that cuts CO2 emissions in half by 2050;

– for Renewable Energy supplying half the world’s power by 2050;

– for laws that double global energy efficiency, from lightbulbs to automobiles;

– for powering the world with as little coal as possible and no nuclear power;

– and for protection of our forests.

That’s an impressive list. Why not include “a cure for cancer” and “a good, 50-cent cigar” as well? It promises to be difficult to get France and the EU to renounce nuclear power — particularly considering that even Greenpeace’s founder Patrick Moore has rather famously embraced it as the Great Green Hope.
So how do the rainbow warriors plan on winning over Bush, Sarko, Merkel, Berlusconi, and the gang? By playing them Beethoven’s Fifth, of course.

Scientific research shows Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, helps our brains work better and inspires people. During Rock in Rio in Lisbon, we are using this groundbreaking piece of music to inspire world leaders to take action against climate change at the next G8 summit, 7-9 July in Toyako, Japan.

Greenpeace will “inspire” the world’s leaders to action, with the upbeat sounds of . . . Fate knocking at the door.

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