Planet Gore

Earth Hour, in Pictures

Here’s a roundup of pictures of Earth Hour from their official Flickr site.

Oddly enough, it seems the way to celebrate turning off the electrical lights for an hour is with light. Doesn’t that defeat the entire purpose?

In Bangladesh they use candles. . .

. . . in Grenada it’s a fire-breathing performer. . .

In Peru, they celebrate no lights with actual light bulbs. . .


. . . The light of choice in Barbados is a chemical-light stick. . .

. . . In Jamaica, it’s the popular sky lantern (but don’t use those in California because they’re illegal!)

Chile, at least, honors the spirit of the day by charging batteries via an invention from Gilligan’s Island. . . 

And what’s an Earth Hour to warn against the danger of excessive carbon emissions without a giant bonfire? Kudos to Ivory Coast for the most hypocritical celebration of the “Earth Hour!”

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