Planet Gore

E.P.A. Chief Ready To Unveil Sweeping New Regulations

In today’s New York Times, John M. Broder notes that EPA administrator Lisa P. Jackson continues full steam ahead, on course:

to establish regulations on smog, mercury, carbon dioxide, mining waste and vehicle emissions that will affect every corner of the economy.

She is working under intense pressure from opponents in Congress, from powerful industries, from impatient environmentalists and from the Supreme Court, which just affirmed the agency’s duty to address global warming emissions, a project that carries profound economic implications.

The new rules will roll out just as President Obama’s re-election campaign is getting under way, with a White House highly sensitive to the probability of political damage from a flood of government mandates that will strike particularly hard at the manufacturing sector in states crucial to the 2012 election.

No other cabinet officer is in as lonely or uncomfortable a position as Ms. Jackson, who has been left, as one adviser put it, behind enemy lines with only science, the law and a small band of loyal lieutenants to support her.

Ms. Jackson describes the job as draining but says there are certain principles she will not compromise, including rapid and vigorous enforcement of some of the most far-reaching health-related rules ever considered by the agency.

“The only thing worse than no E.P.A. is an E.P.A. that exists and doesn’t do its job — it becomes just a placebo,” she said last week in an hourlong interview in Houston. “We are doing our job.”

It is, of course, obvious to everyone that what the U.S. economy needs right now is a host of new regulations passed extra-legislatively by an unelected zealot. In the article, “Ms. Jackson describes the job as draining.” This is presumably a contraction of, ”Ms. Jackson describes the job as draining what little life there is left in the American economy.”

The rest here.

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