Planet Gore

Gore Admits Climate Models Faulty

The Goracle has emerged in Davos (in person, of course — no video-teleconferencing for Him!) spouting a new fountain of alarmism that raises an interesting twist. Gore claims that “Recent evidence shows the climate crisis is significantly worse and unfolding more rapidly than those on the pessimistic side of the IPCC projections had warned us…”

Isn’t this, in effect, an admission that scientists with computer models can’t predict the future?
And what, exactly, is Gore implying here? That the sensitivity of the climate to carbon-dioxide emissions is higher than the “consensus” says it is in the IPCC reports? That’s absurd: simply calculating the ratio of observed warming to changes in CO2 levels shows a climate sensitivity on the low end of the IPCC’s range. Or is he saying that, somehow, heat flows in some non-thermodynamic way, causing ice to melt in areas where the temperature isn’t actually dropping? Which “consensus” scientific finding is Gore rejecting in his newest pronouncements?
Does this mean Al Gore is skeptical of consensus science?

Ken GreenKenneth Green is a Resident Scholar studying climate and energy policy at the American Enterprise Institute. Since taking up policy analysis in 1990, Ken has authored numerous monographs; newspaper and ...
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