Planet Gore

Gustav vs. Ike

Senator Obama, pre Gustav:

Mr. Obama has made no plans to travel to the Gulf Coast, saying he does not want to get in the way of emergency efforts there, but he has spoken by telephone to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin.

Makes sense. Ike, however, could hit South Florida this Tuesday, so, why is he sending Hillary to Florida where she’ll “be in the way?”

ST. PAUL – Senator Barack Obama will increasingly lean on prominent Democratic women to undercut Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator John McCain, dispatching Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to Florida on Monday and creating a rapid-response team to deploy female surrogates to battleground states, Obama advisers said on Thursday.

Here’s the latest track. And here’s Weather Nerd blogger Brendan Loy on Ike:

Just a quick update: Eric Berger writes that the computer models analyzing Hurricane Ike’s future have “clustered” around a track that takes the storm toward South Florida in 5-6 days. (See here.) Intensity estimates vary, but one important model, the HWRF, shows a 140-mph hurricane slamming Miami on Tuesday.

Why is Ike not receiving the same attention as Gustav?  No way this is a time for politics.

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