Planet Gore

Hypocrisy Watch

The Greens aren’t happy with the politicians in Copenhagen.

One of the biggest problems with the issue of climate change is that many of those who are talking the most are actually doing the least to make changes in their own lives.  This was evident in the past as hundreds of private jets were chartered to usher celebrities around for a concert raising money for climate change.  Al Gore makes an Oscar winning documentary about global warming but lives in a mansion and routinely uses private jets and limos.  Celebrities have been known for their hypocrisy for a long time, lecturing the rest of us to cut emissions while they hob knob around the globe in private jets and live in houses that have the carbon equivalent of a whole neighborhood.

This hypocrisy will once again be on full display at the United Nations summit on climate change which will soon take place in Copenhagen.  As world leaders gather to try to find ways for the rest of us to cut emissions, they themselves will be flown in private jets and driven in limos.  So far more than twelve hundred limos have been ordered for the event with more expected, and according to airport officials in Copenhagen more than one hundred and forty private jets have already been chartered for the event in which the world is supposed to take a hard stand against emissions.

So as our fearless leaders gather to lecture the third world and normal citizens of western countries how they are killing the planet, they themselves will be creating more than forty thousand tonnes of emissions, which is the same amount a city of 500,000 would produce in the same amount of time.  Sometimes irony and hypocrisy aren’t strong enough words.

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