Planet Gore

Krauthammer Calls Shenanigans on Obama’s ‘Energy Security Blueprint’

Charles Krauthammer points out a sneaky manipulation by President Obama today during his speech on energy. In sum, the president wants to cut oil imports by one-third by 2025, except he’s using as his starting point the number of barrels of oil that were being imported daily as of the day he was inaugurated. And as Dr. K points out, because of the recession, barrels per day of U.S. imports have dropped from 11 million on Obama’s inauguration day to 9.7 million today.

It’s magic! The president is one-third of the way to his goal. Keep up the good work! Six more year of Obamanomics and we just might hit Obama’s target.

Krauthammer ends with, “Democrats are congenitally addicted to the manipulation of numbers.” Ouch. Clip here via Fox News:


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