Planet Gore

Le D

I am in the EU for a debate this evening with a particular IPCC lead author, hosted by the Fundación Rafael del Pino in Madrid. Or, at least, I was here for a debate.  

My counterpart and I had a two-hour joint interview in the morning with a Spanish economic journal. I thought it went well. She offered few surprises either factually or in approach; I emphasized areas of agreement, countered the boilerplate with facts, and politely noted certain debilitating contradictions.
As soon as I returned to my hotel the phone rang with the news that she now refuses to debate me. The format — she speaks for 30 minutes, then I speak for 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A — is no longer acceptable. She speaks second, and no debate.
Ever get the feeling that someone doesn’t want their claims subjected to scrutiny, or their audience to the horrors of contradicting information?

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