Planet Gore

‘Living with an Electric Smart Car’

An experiment is underway in the U.K. tested various sorts of low-carbon vehicles. The Transport Editor of the Telegraph gets to test out an electric Smart Car. An excerpt:

I am pretty well qualified to take part in the scheme. For a start I live in the heart of London and in reality electric cars are likely to be an urban phenomenon.

Motorists in town rarely reach any sort of speed and for much of the time they crawl through cities, spending a disproportionate amount of time stuck at lights or in traffic jams.

So it could be argued that the conventional petrol engine is not only environmentally unfriendly but often pointless as well.

In fact we would be better off driving milk floats which, believe it or not, have used pretty similar technology for decades.

We’ll follow along to see the final outcome. In the meantime, here’s a video of “the future of urban motoring” (the commentary is quite honest):

So, where does an urban user without their own garage plug this vehicle in?

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