Planet Gore

Michelle Malkin on Pres. Obama’s Science Czar

A good read on Czar John Holdren. An excerpt:

Who is Holdren’s intellectual mentor, Harrison Brown? He was a “distinguished member” of the International Eugenics Society whom Holdren later worked with on a book about – you guessed it – world population and fertility. Brown advocated the same population control-freak measures Holdren put forth in Ecoscience. In “The Challenge to Man’s Future,” Brown envisioned a regime in which the “number of abortions and artificial inseminations permitted in a given year would be determined completely by the difference between the number of deaths and the number of births in the year previous.”

Brown exhorted readers to accept that “we must reconcile ourselves to the fact that artifical means must be applied to limit birth rates.” If we don’t, Brown warned, we faced a planet “with a writhing mass of human beings.” He likened the global population to a “pulsating mass of maggots.”

Malkin is writing in relation to Obamacare, but of course these views pertain to climate-change alarmists, as Planet Gore has repeatedly noted — say, Chris Horner, here.
Or, as Ed likes to say: “Scratch a fan of ’sustainability,’ and you’ll find a Malthusian eugenicist.”

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