Planet Gore

Obama ‘Invested in Nothing’

A must-read by Don Surber on the president’s infrastructure rhetoric from last night’s SOTU. An excerpt:

The difference between Ike and Obama is even greater than the difference between Reagan and Obama. Ike had gravitas. Ike had won a war, not because he was a great strategist (that was Patton) or a great leader of men (Patton and Bradley) but because he was a great leader of leaders. He was a great politician. Keeping Montgomery and Patton on the same page won Western Europe.

Ike knew what he was doing.

Under Ike, GM paid taxes every time it sold a car.

Under Obama, GM collects a subsidy every time it sells a car.

Under Ike, you got results.

Under Obama, rhetoric.

From Obama: “Two years ago, I said that we needed to reach a level of research and development we haven’t seen since the height of the Space Race. In a few weeks, I will be sending a budget to Congress that helps us meet that goal. We’ll invest in biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology – an investment that will strengthen our security, protect our planet, and create countless new jobs for our people.”


None of that happened.

He invested in nothing.

The entire piece here.

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