Planet Gore

Obama’s Crony-Capitalist Donors Read NRO

Look what Andrew Stiles found while reading through the Solyndra e-mails:

House Republicans investigating the ill-fated Solyndra loan guarantee released a new batch of e-mails today shedding more light on the evolving scandal. I’ve been looking over the documents all afternoon, and just stumbled upon an amusing exchange between Oklahoma billionaire and prominent Obama fundraiser George Kaiser and his investment partners Ken Levit and Steve Mitchell. The Kaiser Family Foundation, through its investment arm Argonaut Ventures, was the largest private investor in the now-defunct solar panel company.

On Nov. 7, 2010, Kaiser sent Levit an e-mail titled “National Review blog” citing this Planet Gore post by Greg Pollowitz: “Time to Subpoena the D.O.E. over Solyndra.” Greg was referencing another post by Ed Morrissey at Hot Air concerning Solyndra’s Nov. 3, 2010 announcement that, despite receiving a $535 million taxpayer-guaranteed loan, the company was canceling a planned expansion and laying off more than 150 employees.

Levit responded: “Faster than I expected but it’s a near certainty that this will be a House investigation. Bummer. The company will be distracted by this. The are going to need a federal strategy–offense and defense.”

Kaiser sent the same e-mail to Mitchell, who wrote back: “Thanks. Saw it this morning. Things are going much better at the company and the DOE has been working to help us be successful – I’m sure this will limit the DOE’s ability to act like a lender instead of a government bureaucracy.”

Of course, things weren’t “going much better” at all. Kaiser replied: “Yeah but the other issue is how we/they prepare themselves for Congressional investigation of the loan award by DOE.”

The rest of Andrew’s post here.

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