Planet Gore

Rendell Tells Cuomo to Get Fracking

New York Post:

Gov. Cuomo and New York would be frackin’ “crazy” to continue its fracking ban.

That’s the message from former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat whose state has seen an economic boom from high-volume hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.

“New York would be crazy not to lift the moratorium” imposed by former Gov. David Paterson in 2008, Rendell told The Post.

“I told Gov. Cuomo I would come to testify before any legislative committee,” Rendell added. “I told [Cuomo] it’s a good thing to do.”

Rendell’s strong pro-fracking comments are a coup for the drilling industry and for economically depressed upstate New York, which is clamoring for jobs.

The no-nonsense Rendell, a former head of the Democratic National Committee, has a lot of credibility on the issue.

Cuomo this week extended for 90 days yesterday’s deadline for adopting fracking regulations as experts study the potential public-health impact of fracturing shale with a high-pressure mix of chemicals, sand and water to capture trapped gas.

The rest here.

Hat-tip Steve Everley of Energy in Depth.

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