Planet Gore

Say It Ain’t So, Joe!

It seems that the corporatists pushing for their goodies under Waxman-Markey have abducted Climate Progress’s Joe Romm, and his dangerous railing against their non-emission-reducing rent-seekers’ cash machine, replacing him with an exact duplicate. That’s my theory anyway but, in their haste to commit foul play they failed to sufficiently refine the pod-person’s (Romulan’s?) backflip, allowing me to detect the nefarious goings on.

How else to explain the gentlemanly defense of Waxman-Markey’s honor?
Not too long ago
it was “cap-and-degrade . . . the weak, coal-friendly, rip-offset-heavy USCAP climate plan.” No mere machine could possibly be so bilious as the human it replaced.
Today, in “Greenpeace’s indefensible attack on the House clean energy bill perpetuates myths about the European carbon trading system” he’s all righteous indignation at those who dare criticize and with more sorrow than anger lowering my assessment from B to B-minus. Gee. I’d hate to see what a guy’s gotta do to earn a C from the Romulus.

The real test will come soon. If the pod person doesn’t go all ad Romminem, all the time on those who dare disagree with his (presently operative) position, why, I think I’ve proved my case.

Or, I suppose this could be explained by Joe’s superiors at the Center for American Progress having clarified for him what it is he holds most dear.

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