Planet Gore

Snow kicks off Earth Week

God has a sense of humor.

Earth Week kicked off in the Midwest with temperatures plunging 20 degrees below normal, record snowfalls in Chicago and two to four inches here in Metro Detroit.

While their reporters shivered through “winter is back” reports, MSM outlets from NBC (“Green Week”) to the Detroit Free Press (“Green Leaders Awards”) launched a week of green propaganda leading up to Earth Day on Friday with scare stores about melting snow, drought, and tips for how to live a moral green life and prevent Armageddon.  

Local Detroit communities scrambled to send out salt trucks while warning that carbon-spewing trucks are destroying the planet, and local schools prepared to scare the kiddies with the movie Carbon Nation — assuming schools didn’t have a snow day.

Temperatures are expected to remain below normal this week — as is enthusiasm for the Left’s plans to remake the economy to prevent catastrophic warming. 

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