Planet Gore

Speaking Engagements

I gave a talk Tuesday night at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (thanks again to YAF!) to discuss Power Grab, with a great, very engaged crowd that included lots of non-traditional students and non-students. No disruptions of any sort — as is proving typical the louder the greens pitch fits beforehand over speech they disagree with being permitted on campus.
At one point a couple of security officers sauntered in the gym, eyeballing the joint. It turns out this was because they’d had one of the greens’ nastygrams forwarded to them. 
Here is one e-mail passed along to the organizers through an administration officer whom I was told is rather militant in using her perch to advertise her leftism:

I can’t believe that UW-O would bring an ignorant man, with false “facts”, to campus. Mr. Horner is another man with his head to far up his ass to realize that what our society, here in the U.S., is destroying the world for future generations. The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy. That is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. This man is a prefect example. 

Our friends continue to live up to the caricature at every opportunity, huh?


Tonight, I’ll be at Loyola in Chicago, then a meeting of a midwestern state’s bar association on Friday (closed to the public). And on Saturday I’ll speak at an AFP event in Detroit alongside, inter alia, a former Alaska governor. Come out and match our colleagues’ anger with some positive activism.

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