Planet Gore

As UN COP 19 Opens in Warsaw, A Counter Treaty Is Signed

With COP 19, the most important UN climate conference of the year, kicking off today in Warsaw, a coalition of Polish organizations held their own global warming forum on Sunday. But this one, organized by groups including the renowned Solidarity labor union, Poland’s Institute for Globalization and other Polish and European NGOs, raised strong questions about UN global warming policy and denounced efforts by environmental bureaucrats and activists to stymie Poland’s energy resources and the prosperity of people around the globe.

Despite the presence of Solidarity (which leans left), the conference attracted the attention of the radical warming left, which pelted the building with red dye (making the building the appear to be dripping with blood).

The Polish attendees took this in stride; they’ve seen this kind of thing before. No one seemed particularly alarmed or distracted — just amused. It was another sign of the growing desperation on the warming left as their cause continues to lose credibility with the public each day.

The conference — co-sponsored by CFACT, the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow — included representatives and spokesmen from the U.S., Italy, Sweden, Hungary, and Poland. They, along with a member of the EU Parliament, joined in voicing their opposition to climate change alarmism and the troubling globalist policies of the UN.

The forum concluded with the signing of a declaration entitled “Address of Free Nations to Participants of UN Climate Summit (COP 19) — Let Us Revise Global Climate Policy.” The declaration noted that “media manipulation” and “an international bureaucracy of organizations representing extreme views on environmental protection” have promoted an ideology supporting global warming, and that their agenda has had destructive consequences on “competitive economies” of the world. It then called on delegates attending the UN COP19 conference to discontinue work on a new treaty until a genuine “scientific consensus is reached on the phenomenon of so-called global warming.”

This morning, as the UN bangs the opening gavel at COP 19, tens of thousands of Poles are converging on Warsaw to celebrate their independence day. This year’s celebrations are marked by outrage and anxiety about the harsh impacts a UN climate treaty hold in store for Poland’s future. The Poles are still struggling to modernize their economy after their long years under socialism. After their long struggle to shake off Soviet domination, they have no appetite to cede control to a meddlesome UN bureaucracy.

CFACT will be posting regular updates from UN COP 19 throughout the summit.

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