Planet Gore

Update on the Keystone XL Pipeline

Via Nebraska Watchdog:

Charges and countercharges are setting the stage for this week’s two key public hearings on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.

Pro-pipeline groups claim those opposed to the XL will try to disturb the U.S. State Department’s cattle calls, while those fighting the pipeline argue their critics are blowing smoke and making waves.

Ron Kaminski, the head of Laborers Local 1140 in Omaha, tells Nebraska Watchdog he believes XL opponents “will do everything they can to disrupt the hearing.” In a backhanded compliment to the opponents Kaminski goes on to say that Nebraska, “is the only place that they are gaining ground with their half truths.”

As both sides line-up for today’s (Tuesday’s) hearing in Lincoln followed by Thursday’s stop in Atkinson pipeline critic Jane Kleeb says her side has always been respectful of their opponents. In the same breath Kleeb suggests that it is the pro-pipeline folks who are trying to strong-arm the public by possibly sending three busloads of out-of-staters to Atkinson.

The rest here.

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