Planet Gore

Who read Crow’s remarks

Iain points out below that Crow’s toilet paper comment “has almost certainly harmed the statist green cause, for which I am grateful to her.”

True enough – for those who heard it.

The global warming movement has reached America’s ears through the megaphone of a mainstream media that has relentlessly promoted the likes of Al Gore and the IPCC at the same time it has muzzled the likes of Richard Lindzen and the Senate’s report on hockey stick science.

Crow’s gaffe spread though the blogosphere Monday, but went unpublished in a single major newspaper Tuesday. Not the New York Times. Not the LA Times. Not the Detroit newspapers. Nowhere.

America today is divided not just blue state from red state but from those who get their news from the MSM or alternatives like NRO. Sadly, the former still commands the most viewers and thus the upper hand in the climate debate.

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