Postmodern Conservative

Ted Cruz and George Washington Vs. The Left

I have my concerns about Ted Cruz, but the natural born citizen stuff is silly and idiotic.  It is going to come up in the next debate and here is a suggestion for how Cruz might deal with a question.

You don’t have to ask me.  You have to ask the Founders.  The Naturalization Act of 1790 said that a child born to a United States citizen who is outside the US is a natural born citizen. That law was passed by the first Congress that included James Madison who is the Father of our Constitution.  That law was signed by George Washington who is the Father of our Country. 

Now some extreme liberals like Democrat Alan Grayson say that they might sue. That’s fine.  Alan Grayson has a history of being swindled by con artists. If he wants to sue, well, a fool and his money are soon parted.  I’m glad to stand up for our founders and our Constitution against the lunatic left and anyone who might join them.

Cruz should hit the Founding Fathers idolatry especially hard, but he should also turn it into a fight between the Founders (good) and the left (bad), and let the voters (and Cruz’s opponents) decide whose side they’re on.  There is a subset of Trump supporters who I’m sure could not care less what James Madison thought about anything, but I don’t think that those are the voters Cruz needs in Iowa.   

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