Postmodern Conservative

On the Tyranny of Biology

She said, “Ashley doesn’t think she should have to take care of Bob’s kid anymore.” 

I had to think a moment because this is about my daughter’s friends whom I have never met. 

I ask, “Why not?”

“It’s not really Bob’s kid.”

“It’s not? I thought you said Bob had a child who was about a year old.  Isn’t that who you are talking about.”

“Yeah, but the kid isn’t really Bob’s.

I gape and ask, “You mean it isn’t actually Bob’s biological child? I thought you said it was established fact.”

“Yes, it is, but it’s not like he wanted it or anything. If he doesn’t take care of it sometimes he’ll have to pay child support. That’s not fair.”

“It isn’t fair? The child is his child. How can he not have to take care of it?” 

“It’s the mom’s child. She does everything for it, or she ought to. She wanted it; he didn’t. Why should he have to pay for it? It isn’t fair to Ashley. She loves him. How can Bob and Ashley afford to get married if he’s paying child support?”

“Then Ashley should not marry Bob. He has a child. He is responsible for that child. No matter what he thinks of the mother now, their child has his DNA. That is his son, made of Bob. He is responsible for this child.”

“Well, it’s not fair.”

Biology is not fair. I have been telling this girl for her whole life long that nothing will ever be fair. She doesn’t believe me, now. She’s an adult and can think for herself. Everyone knows that biology can be controlled, can be changed or ignored, can be chemically or surgically altered or maybe even eliminated. We shall overcome. 

“You don’t understand. It is just not fair.”

She’s so right. I do not understand. 

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