Right Field

My New/Old Favorite Yom Kippur Joke

This nugget was buried in a Philadelphia Inquirer article about Jews observing the Day of Atonement while rooting on their Phillies:

“I have this customer,” he began. “He calls his rabbi and says, ‘Rabbi? I have a problem. I have tickets to the Phillies-St. Louis game and it’s Yom Kippur. What should I do?’ “

“No problem,” says the rabbi. “You can record it!’ “

“Oh!!” the customer cries. “That’s great! I didn’t know you could record Kol Nidre!!”

H/T Baseball Think Factory

Jason Epstein is the president of Southfive Strategies, LLC. He was a public-relations consultant for the Turkish embassy in Washington from 2002 to 2007.
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