The Agenda

Stray Links 30 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy has slowed me down a bit, but I wanted to share a few quick links.

Edward Glaeser’s latest column argues that the next American economy ought to “combine the innovation of Silicon Valley with the inclusiveness of Detroit.”

Rather remarkably, Noah Feldman maintains that under divided government, there is not likely to be much of a difference between a reelected President Obama and a President Romney on foreign or domestic policy, and so voters should consider voting on the basis of how either candidate would shape the composition of the Supreme Court.

Ramesh Ponnuru offers a modest and restrained case for a Romney presidency.

To his great credit, Konstantin Kakaes says both that he supports increased federal spending on basic scientific research, on the grounds that it will make the world a better place, and that it is unlikely to have a tangible positive impact on economic growth and job creation.

Jordan Weissmann has a post on Mitt Romney’s views on the federal role in disaster relief.

Garett Jones summarizes the evidence on the impact of increasing years of education on economic growth. The results will strike many readers as surprising.

And Jeffrey Golderberg suggests that a dovish President Obama is more likely to use military force against Iran than an ostensibly hawkish Mitt Romney.

Reihan Salam is president of the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of National Review.
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