The Campaign Spot

Another ‘Solid GOP’ Governor’s Race . . . in Maine.

Somebody tell me there are going to be coattails in Maine, because once the Democrats have to start seriously worrying about House races there, we’re just building the GOP majority in that chamber.

Republican Paul LePage earns his highest level of support yet in the race to be Maine’s next governor, moving this election from Leans GOP to Solid GOP in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Gubernatorial Scorecard.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds LePage, the mayor of Waterville, earning 45% of the vote, while Democrat Libby Mitchell picks up 27% support.  Democrat-turned-independent Eliot Cutler trails with 14%.  Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided.

It appears LePage is going to win LeRace.

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