The Campaign Spot

Arizona’s New Republican Governor… Jan Brewer? Thanks, President-Elect Obama

Fascinating ramification of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano leaving her state to become Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security: “Republican Secretary of State Jan Brewer would serve the remaining two years of Napolitano’s term, as next-in-line to the governorship. Brewer, a former state legislator, would appoint a replacement for secretary of state.”

A source in the state GOP tells me his reaction:

Since Arizona is experiencing a budget crisis, how much of this was a desire to “get out of town” before a meltdown ruins her reputation? … We will now have a Republican governor because the Secretary of State is Jan Brewer. Since we control both of the houses of the legislature, a lot of bills that were vetoed by Napolitino will probably pass. Personally I can’t imagine the Dems giving up a governor’s mansion.


The Democrats have lost their best candidate in Arizona.  Napolitano was a canny politician who knew how to outflank the GOP.  I think going to Washington and taking up Homeland security will not be a boon to her future political career. Several Republicans were lining up to run for governor in 2010.  With Jan Brewer as an incumbent, they may modify their plans.


The top of the Arizona GOP ticket in 2010 (Brewer and McCain) should help down ticket.


In the meantime, I just glad we are getting her out of the state.  Who said that the Obama Presidency would be all bad?


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