The Campaign Spot

A Borderline Superfluous Republican Debate

From a campaign aide before this thing started: “Why is this debate starting at 9 p.m.? Our voters in Florida are in bed by 6.”

No fireworks so far. Mostly expressions of concern for the economy, support for tax cuts, support for Bernanke…
Huckabee wonders if the stimulus will do more for China’s economy than for ours.
He proposes building two lanes of highways from Bangor to Miami on I-95. “This nation’s infrastructure is falling apart.”
I’m not automatically opposed to the idea, but is there enough room?
Romney: “I’ve spent my life in the private sector. I know how jobs come and how jobs go.”
It’s a sober, almost soft-spoken tone so far tonight.
McCain takes a question about tax cuts and shifts to one of his favorite topics, spending, and mentions his favorite nemesis, the Bridge to Nowhere, twice.

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