The Campaign Spot

Buyer’s Remorse

Looks like one Obama supporter is finding the new president to not be the change he believed in:

Fred Tausch of Nashua is a frustrated, well-to-do businessman who got tired of watching politicians of both parties spending taxpayers’ money. And so, spending $100,000 of his own money, he’s trying to do something about it.

In full-page ads today in this newspaper and others, in radio advertisements and on a new Web site, the 37-year-old entrepreneur and investment manager emerges onto the political scene to provide an avenue for others upset about the size of the stimulus package and likely more spending measures on the horizon.

Tausch is a registered independent who, after voting Republican for most of his life, supported Barack Obama in the last election, even contributing $2,300 to the cause.

Tausch said he “got excited about his message. There was not a lot of fiscal discipline in either party, and I thought that when Obama talked about change, he was including that he would be more cautious about how we spend money. And that’s just not the case.”

No offense to Mr. Tausch and his effort, but some of us aren’t completely stunned by what we’re seeing from the Obama administration.

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