The Campaign Spot

The Campaign Ads on the Health-Care Vote Begin

Rush Holt’s opponent, Scott Sipprelle, is going up on television with an ad that hits the Democratic incumbent for his vote for the health-care bill

There’s no point in denying it; on paper, this is a tough district. But Chris Christie beat Democratic governor Jon Corzine in the Holt district by ten percentage points, 52 percent to 42 percent, and Christie won 34 of the 43 towns in the district.

And then there’s this item:

Chris Christie’s pollster, Adam Geller of National Research, shows that U.S. Rep. Rush Holt’s hard re-elect numbers have gone down.  A recent poll shows that 39% of twelfth district voters believe Holt deserves to be re-elected, while 41% believe it is time for a new person. When Geller polled the district in 2004, Holt’s re-elect was at 51% and just 23% wanted a new congressman.

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