The Campaign Spot

Can You Imagine 19 States Holding Their Primaries on Feb. 5?

Would you believe 19 states are scheduled or are considering having their primary on Feb. 5? Arizona, Missouri, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Delaware, Michigan, California, New York, Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Kansas, Illinois, Utah, North Carolina, West Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama, and New Jersey.
If we really wanted a primaries that weren’t front-loaded, we would begin with the smallest and least populous states, that have the fewest delegates to the conventions, and work our way to say, Texas, New York and California. That way, any candidate who started slow would still have a chance to make up ground later in the higher-stakes states.
Actually, the Jim Primary Plan would start in Hawaii in January, go through all the southern coastal states in February (and maybe Nevada for a trip to Las Vegas); coincide with Spring Training in Arizona and Florida in March; and gradually work its way northward in April (New York state’s primary would be the Tuesday after the NFL Draft) and May, so that reporters on the campaign beat could enjoy good weather and lots to do throughout the process. Sure, it may not be good for America, but it would be good for me

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