The Campaign Spot

Carol Shea-Porter: The Chinese Beat Me in the Midterms!

The important thing is, the Democrats who lost in the 2010 midterms are going out in a classy manner

Outgoing Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter implied the Chinese cost her re-election in November and secretly funneled money to help her Republican opponent Frank Guinta during a post-election interview with ABC News.

“They’re in the halls of Congress everywhere,” Shea-Porter said in the interview with ABC’s Jonathan Karl. “[A]nd it means, for example, that you sit on a committee and you say something about concern about Chinese influence or something, you don’t even know if in the next election, somehow or another, they manage to send some money to some group that now doesn’t even have to say where they got it.”

There is no evidence that the Chinese funneled money into the First Congressional District race. Such a contribution would be illegal.

Ironically, this is the Carol Shea Porter who had a constituent – a retired cop, no less — arrested at one of her town hall meetings for asking questions, restricted access to other town hall meetings, kept donations from Charlie Rangel after denouncing her predecessor for accepting donations from Tom DeLay, raved that she “loved” Alan Grayson for his “moral compass,” and that health care reform could be passed easily if they could only get rid of the male membership of Congress… so perhaps a theory like this is just par for the course.

Shea Porter is, naturally, thinking of running again in 2012. You’ve been warned, Beijing.

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