The Campaign Spot

Creigh Deeds’s Controversial Words: ‘I’ve never been so poor or so desperate that I would want to even think about abortion.’

It’s interesting that there’s been so much attention on Bob McDonnell’s thesis, but none on Creigh Deeds’s law-review article where he indicated that abortion was a choice of the poor and desperate.
His exact words were, “Frankly, from my perspective, I’ve never been so poor or so desperate that I would want to even think about abortion.”
Nah, just kidding, Deeds didn’t write that in a law-review article many years ago. He said it during a radio interview on August 16th. (A more abbreviated audio excerpt of his comments can be heard here.)
Deeds’s appearance on “Faith Toward God,” hosted by a local funeral director, Carlos A. Howard, was a delightful interview, with the host asking a pro-life caller about “those babies that you Christians don’t take care of” and lamenting that an unspecified “they” had (if I am hearing correctly) “raped Michael Vick of all of this money.” Deeds is silent during these outbursts, but I don’t think that reaction reflects tacit approval so much as fear of the host’s temper.

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