The Campaign Spot

The Debate Moves To Social Security…

Fred Thompson: “There’s no point in running for President if you can’t tell the truth. It isn’t always politically easy, but you have to do it…. We’re bankrupting the next generation. We’re taking it away from our children and grandchildren.”

Fred talks about “future generational warfare” and indexing benefits. He ought to get serious points for guts.
Rudy Giuliani: “Get a consensus behind private accounts.”
Romney says he’s willing to make some of the steps Fred recommends, but he wants to preserve benefits for low-income Americans. He gives a mildly wonky, but detailed and solid answer on Social Security. “I did it as a businessman, I did it at the Olympics, I did it as governor, and I’ll do it as President.”
He cites Reagan’s line, “It’s not that Democrats are ignorant, it’s that so much of what they know is wrong.”
Let me reward you, Governor Romney, by informing you that the Red Sox are up, 2-0.
Huckabee says Bush used the wrong word – use “personalization,” not “privatization.”

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